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14th German Peptide Symposium

Conference Venue

All lectures will be held in the Kurt Alder Lecture Hall, which is part of the Department of Chemistry of University of Cologne. The reception area provides space for posters, exhibition stands and refreshments.

The address of the conference venue is:

Department of Chemistry

University of Cologne

Greinstr. 4-6

D-50939 Köln

How to find the Department of Chemistry…



Cologne can be reached by plane or train. There are regular transport services from the airport to the central station. From central station you can reach the conference venue by public transport via the station Dasselstr./BHF-Süd (regional trains), or via the station Weisshausstr. (U18).

Cologne offers a wide range of accommodations ranging from low budget to high prices. Visit the https://www.koelntourismus.de/buchen-kaufen/hotels-unterkuenfte/ website for more information and online booking.